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Art & Design


The teaching of art and design develops imagination, self-expression and creativity. It provides children with the opportunity to explore thoughts and feelings in a creative way. Through the art curriculum, children will have the opportunity to critically discuss work in a supportive and respectful way.

The skills children will gain throughout their art lessons, including critical thinking, problem solving and the ability to reflect and develop ideas, are transferable to other curriculum areas and will benefit children beyond their time in education.

For children with communication barriers, art allows them to express thoughts and feelings in a different way. Art aids relaxation and wellbeing amongst our pupils.

Our art and design curriculum aims to engage, inspire and challenge children with high expectations from the very beginning. Staff are willing to learn alongside the children thus providing them with an example to follow.


At Barford Primary School, children will be given opportunity to explore the work of both traditional and contemporary artists, allowing them to draw inspiration to plan and create their own artwork and eventually evaluate and adapt their outcomes.

The curriculum covers five key areas: drawing, painting, collage, 3D and printing.

Within our school, the celebration of art can be seen through:

  • Lessons from a well-planned curriculum where a clear progression of skills is shown from Years 1-6. Art is taught as part of a wider curriculum allowing children to become immersed in the topic they are exploring for that term.
  • Theme days which allow us to explore cultures and traditions and celebrate these through a range of art mediums.
  • Extra-curricular opportunities including afterschool craft clubs where children have the opportunity to explore a range of media.
  • Involvement of parents and the wider community.


Art is assessed through book looks, data in relation to children’s progression against the skills taught, termly quizzes and through pupil voice.

Throughout our school, art can be seen through classroom displays, engaging whole school displays in communal areas and areas showcasing our 3D art work.

Art sketchbooks, show a process of exploration, planning and outcomes. The progression of skills from Y1-6 is evident.

Teachers give verbal feedback to children in relation to the skills they are being taught. This then allows children to evaluate their own work and refine their skills.

Children develop the confidence to try new things and perseverance. They develop their creativity and apply this to other areas of the curriculum.